Yeah! Congrats on the new little one! He is darling! I love your blog and pictures! Your kids say the funniest things! Is that Tiffany Thornley in that picture? (I don't know her married name now). We were friends WAY back. She is such a sweet girl! Tell her hi!
Love you delivery story and i am so glad it was so fast. Love the orange hat too. Darn, you look so good even at the end of your pregnancy!! Thanks for being my friend. XOXO
Tonight Skyler told us "I think Tyson still has feelings for his boppy"
Tyson, 1.5 yrs., will say graham cracker and now Grandpa, but if you ask him to say mama, he just looks at you and laughs. I'm not quite as amused by this as he is.
I took the kids to see Harry Potter today, as soon as it ended Skyler turned to me and said "Phew, so glad they got Voldemort, now I can continue to have a happy life"
Jackson asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, I told him I wanted to rule the world, to which he said "mom, that job is already taken, you can't rule the world, that's Jesus' job"
Just after chores were done today Jackson, 5, told me that when I grow up he thinks I should be leader of the whole Army
both Skyler and Jackson got into a little trouble today, Jackson was feeling bad so Skyler put her arm around him and said "It's OK Jackson, I get into trouble like that like all the time”
while fixing Jackson's hair for his singing performance today, he closed his eyes and asked me to make it a surprise for him today. I'm thinking there's not a whole lot of different I can do with 1/2 inch long hair
If any of you see my keys or ipod cord, let me know, Thanks. My floor vents are clear so the baby must have a new hiding spot
Poor Jackson has terrible allergies, so he came in crying and saying "I just can't stop bless youing" (sneezing)
Tonight my daughter Skyler told me I was a pretty fun mom (in the tone of you know just OKish). She said I was doing pretty good cause I always have gum for her. The sad part is I don't chew gum so I actually never have any on hand. But I wasn't going to remind her of that.
Jackson prayers tonight: "please bless that the baby will not throw stuff at mommy tomorrow".
Had to explain to a lady at the store today why my 8 yr. old daughter was singing Crazy Train by Black Sabath.
My baby can say 4 words: No, Stop, Daddy, and Graham Cracker. Seriously, what's wrong with this
My 17 month old stole my space bar and 2 other keys off my laptop that was sitting up on a desk I thought was out of his range of mobility. If you see my alt or fn key, let me know. thanks!
Today's lesson: In a moment of weakness i taught my baby how to jump on a bed, and as thanks he in turn smeared poop on me. what a good day
Jackson told me today "Well, I guess I've decided that I really do like my baby brother, he's more cute with clothes on
I love all my many heels, but for the sake of my 17 month old, I think it's time I resigned myself to only wearing running shoes. this will interesting to see how I can incorporate it to my Sunday wardrobe
Today Jackson told me that he is allergic to cats, dogs, and . . . donkeys. It's all true, I just wonder where the reference came from
Today my Skyler(8) told me that the greatest gift given to us was our life. I asked why she would say that, she replied "well, if I wern't alive, I wouldn't be able to play with all my friends, and summer would be no fun at all"
Skyler and Jackson were listening to some music and when it shut off suddenly, Jackson got real upset, looked up at me and cried "oh no! that was my most favorite song in this whole wide city!"
My sweet kids made me a get well card and Skyler told me "I made it, Jackson colored it and the baby screamed the whole time, so it's really from all 3 of us"
Is there a support group for parents of picky eaters?
Our household stats today: 2 kids puking, 1 concussion, and 6 loads of laundry. Let the summer begin
Really have to give a shout out to our waitress tonight. The baby threw his bottle at her, she had a major mess to clean up, and Jackson went on and on explaining to her how everybody has a katusshi. she was a good sport
Took the kids on a 2 hr. bike ride to get their extra energy burned off, and as I'm riding with my 2 older ones and my baby in the trailer behind me, some young guys started whistling at me as they passed by. All I could think was how annoying it was in my younger years, and how much I appreciate the gesture now. thanks for making my day
Skyler came home from school to find toys, clean diapers, kitchen utensils, and laundry scattered all over the living room and asked "What happened here?" she then took one look at me lying exausted on the couch and then said "oh, Tyson happened" and then helped clean up. What a good kid.
We bought a new dining room table, one that will fit all of us. We all ate dinner together last night and all I could think was "wow, It's like we're a real family!"
Today Jackson told me that if boys are spacemen then the girls must be astronauts
Today Jackson told me "I like all pop, doesn't matter what kind, well except for Grandpa's pop, it tastes like carrots". Grandpa likes V8 juice.
Jackson has never watched very many animated kids movies, I never understood until today what his deal was: "Mom, you know I can't watch that. . . you know how freaked out I am by talking animals". I'm thinking the talking cars in Transformers are OK, but cute talking animals, what a complete nightmare
Today Jackson told me "I sure am glad Jesus made it so us boys like video games, he did a good job on that, cause I really really like my video games".
My Tyson, 15 months, is in training to be a pick pocket
Jackson today: "Daddy's don't have any powers like moms have, they can't tell if you washed your hands or not, moms always know."
Tonight Jackson(5) asked me "So what's the point of a salad? Really, what's the point?"
Today Jackson went outside when he wasn't supposed to, when he came in he told me not to worry because he asked Jesus and he told him it was OK. I knew this whole church thing would get me eventually
Today Jackson, 5, came and told me he stuck his gum on the headboard of his bed and can't get it off. I kindly went over the rules of where gum belongs but thanked him for telling me the truth, to which he said "well I knew I needed to tell you otherwise that holy ghost guy won't be back
burned my thumb today with the hairdryer, a bad 2nd degree burn, and while I was tending to the wound (you know crying my eyes out), my baby was busy playing in the toilet water, threw my cell phone in a floor vent, and destroyed some of my crafting stamps. and later this afternoon, he found the Easter bunny stash and pulled it all out, luckily the other 2 wern't around. Can I just say I'm done today
I went shopping this last weekend in St. George and when i asked a worker in the store if they had these pants in a larger size, she said "unfortunatly when the items go down to $20, all the good sizes are hard to find", and I thanked her for putting it that way, nice to be categorized in the "good sizes".
The baby (15 months) was getting into Jackson's stuff today, when I asked Jackson if I needed to take the baby out he simply said "no, it's OK, we're just lucky cause Tyson is the cutest baby in our family" I'm just thinking what other babies is he comparing him to?
I was explaining to my kids that working from home and working out of the home are similar, Jackson told me "you used to work out of the home but now you just workout on you bike at home."
Taking the training wheels off his bike did not go over so well. . . wheeping and wailing thus ensued.
The baby is giggling and playing his favorite game right now, keep away the remote control from mom. Somehow I always loose at this game, but it's better than keep away the keys or the cell phone from mom.
It was explained to me today by Jackson that you get ear wax from bees buzzing around your head and spitting in your ears. The things we learn from preschool.
We were watching Dancing with the Stars tonight and Jackson asked why Bruno talked differently, I said he has an accent to which Jackson asked "why would you talk funny if you had an accident in your pants?"
Today at lunch Jackson told me: "yea, I think I can really get on board with this macaroni cheesy thing you got going on mom"
Jackson (5) told me "don't forget to record my favorite show the Biggest Loser it's on at 9, 8 central"
Skyler and Jackson were telling me all about their ski trip to Beaver Mountain yesterday, and then told me that's where Justin Beiber lives
Skyler and Jackson were playing with the cats at our hairstylists house tonight and Jackson walked through the door and quite loudly stated "Well it's official, I'm scared of kitty cats" and I don't know what to say to this one . . .
Jackson told me the reason I don't let the baby outside to play is because he'll just eat bugs and then he asked me "why mom? bugs are healthy for you"
Jackson just told me to go in the other room and he'd deal with me later.
Jackson and i were watching Sesame Street today, and he told me his favorite monster from Sesame Street was his mom. Not quite sure how to take that one.
Listening to Jackson sing "I'm Bad, I'm bad, you know it, I'm bad", we just finished watching Megamind.
Skyler came and asked Jackson why he wasn't coming to watch the movie with her, he replied "Well those guys over there (pointing to me and his father) said I have to say in the Kitchen to eat my strawberries". At least he listens to that guy over there. . .
I was wrong to think that the baby throwing poop at me today was the low point.
Skyler asked me why we always get Mondays off for holidays like President's day, I told her it was so we could get long weekends. she said "oh, that's good they want everyone to try and get along on President’s day, but why is it on Monday?"
Skyler is home sick and I told her she could stay in PJs all day to which she said "If I ever get another mom, you'll still be my favorite"
Reese’s Peanut butter cups are Jackson's favorite treat, so today Grandpa bought the kids some low calorie Reese’s pb wafer bars. Jackson took one bite and said "mom! these taste just like the treats you never buy me!"
Jackson got to hear his heartbeat at the Doctor's office today, so when Dr. Duke asked him what it sounded like he said "it sounds like a grumpy heart". He wasn't too happy about getting shots today.
After 9 long months of seeing doctors, physical therapists, and our wonderful Orthothist, Tyson had finally graduated and no longer needs his helmet! Phew! Who would have thought so much work and $$ goes into fixing his beautiful bald head!
Today Jackson told me that he had 2 favorite "characters", mom and superman.
Poor Jackson tripped last night at Walmart parking lot. His poor eye "saved" his fall. this morning I asked him if it still hurt, to which he said "just a little, but this dumb bruise is trying to keep my eye asleep".
Tonight I’m staying up late to make sure the baby doesn't have a concussion. Poor thing, when he's not wearing his helmet he doesn't know that he needs to protect his precious little head.
There’s nothing like being at church and watching in slow motion as your baby knocks over the bread tray, spilling the bread all over another family.
Jackson's prayer: Please bless Skyler at school tomorrow, please bless me to do what I'm supposed to, please bless mommy to get 1,000 hugs and 1,000 kisses, please bless daddy to get 100 hugs and no kisses, and please bless Tyson's head to get shaped up.
I Love 1 PM church. When the kids got home they asked if they could put PJ's on and I said yes, to which they both screamed "you are the best mom ever!" yea, 1:00 church is gonna be great for my self esteem.
Jackson asked me today why we call them babysitters, when he's not a baby. In my attempt to explain, he got frustrated with me and said "mom, they're called babysitters because they babysit you!" Well, how do you argue with that!
We realized that my Jackson is a sleepwalker. Tonight I found him asleep, curled up into a little ball on the cold tile floor of the bathroom.
What is it about the Tupperware drawer that babies love so much? I'm just glad his interest had moved away from the garbage can.
Today Skyler (8) told me that the greatest gift she ever got was the Holy Ghost, and the next greatest gift she got was her pillow pet.
We started to watch Inception, but 3 hours later we were only 15 min. into it, and just put Despicable Me in instead. Sometimes it's just not worth the fight.
The best quote from Christmas was Jackson who said "YES, a cool boy scooter, now I don't have to ride the pink princess one anymore." And best gift was from my brother Kalun who gave me a DVD of "The Best episodes of 21 Jump Street". It was a good weekend.
While telling the kids the story of baby Jesus and how he was born in a stable, Jackson told us that "Jesus loves all the animals that's why he was born there, so he could see all the fun animals as soon as he was born". Yep, smarter than we think.
My Skyler asked me if I had ever traveled to New York City, I told her I had been there and she said "oh, no fair. I've waited to go there my entire life!" yep all 8years of it, must be hard.
Jackson gave the baby his stuffed turtle (his fav. thing in the whole world) for his nap. I said oh that's so nice of you Jackson to which he replied: "yea, I'm hoping that Santa will bring me a few extra gifts".
One of Skyler's friends told me today that I was a cool mom. That good, I wondered where I ranked.
Skyler was quite upset this morning to find out all the snow melted, and asked me how Santa was going to come if we skipped over winter and were headed straight to Easter.
I didn't know until tonight why Jackson loves to say the family prayer. He has been really sick and he lost his voice so he couldn’t say it tonight. He was very upset and told his big sister Skyler "well I guess you'll have some superhero powers tonight, because those who say the prayer get the good powers".
Well it happened; today the baby discovered toilet water. Not just toilet water, but yellow toilet water. Needless to say I had a fun afternoon cleaning.
I saw a hat and told Aaron it looked very English, to which Jackson said "I know what English means, it's when people talk like us but a little funny."
Had a great time Christmas shopping tonight with some good friends, but when I came home I got a long lecture from my 5 yr. old Jackson who sobbing said I am grounded for 100 days because I went somewhere without him. It's good to be loved.
I had quite the scare today, Skyler missed the bus, and was no where to be found. I want to thank the school principal, secretary, bus driver, and my wonderful neighbors who all aided me in locating her.
Jackson who is now sick with a cold, came to me very disgruntled and said "this dumb cough has moved from my neck to my forehead!"
Had a great day Shopping Black Friday, got some great deals, shopped with great friends and family, got no sleep, had lots of fun, but I still wished I would have punched the lady at Walmart who practically ran down my 10 month old baby. Ahh, the Christmas spirit is here. . .
Trying to teach my kids the difference between junk food and good foods, Jackson came to me today and asked if oreo cookies were nutritionally enough.
Jackson informed me tonight that he is going to marry a doctor and he is going to be a fireman.
For family prayers Jackson said "please bless Skyler will do well at school, please bless me Jackson will do well at school, and please bless baby Tyson will wear his helmet well"
I am a proud mamma today: Skyler won 1st place in the photography division of reflections. She and the other winners work will go on to be displayed at Cache Valley Mall Nov. 13, and she now moves on to the District competition. Whoot! Whoot!
Sadly, my kids learned the hard way tonight that glow sticks are not candy, and DO NOT taste good. The good news: Jackson's bedspread glows a wonderful color of green tonight.
Jackson and I were looking at a costume magazine and saw 3 kids dressed up as Michael Jackson in a Halloween magazine and I said "oh, look it's Michael Jackson" and Jackson told me "no mom, they're dressed up as the Jonas Brothers".
I was getting after Skyler(8) tonight to go to sleep, when Jackson(5) sighed and looked at me and said "when will she ever learn?"
Skyler who is 8, said to me today "mom, can you believe we've had Jackson for 5 whole years now! It seems like just the other day he was our baby".
Thinking it was funny, Jackson pushed the baby down, so I explained to him why we can't play with the baby like that and Jackson said in all innocence: "Oh, sorry mom, I did it because I didn't know you were watching me".
Jackson asked me today if we could have another baby, I said "well I don't know, why do you want another one?", he said "yea, well mostly I just want to see if we can get another one that's cuter than Tyson."
Jackson picked out a movie for him and Skyler to watch: "Justice League". Skyler said no, and Jackson in all innocence said "but Skyler, they save the world!"
Jackson told me I was his favorite mommy. And all I can think is "phew, sure am glad I made the list".
Why does church always have to be so embarrassing, today Jackson asked our neighbor why he didn't have any hair on his head.
Skyler saw a check that Grandpa wrote and asked me why he signed it Donald G. Bragg, I told her that you have to sign your name to a check, and she said "I know that, but why did he sign it Donald when his name is Grandpa".
Our "Cook" Aaron
Cooking is one of his hobbies, and we love his food!
Yeah! Congrats on the new little one! He is darling! I love your blog and pictures! Your kids say the funniest things! Is that Tiffany Thornley in that picture? (I don't know her married name now). We were friends WAY back. She is such a sweet girl! Tell her hi!
ReplyDeleteLove you delivery story and i am so glad it was so fast. Love the orange hat too. Darn, you look so good even at the end of your pregnancy!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for being my friend.